Shandur top a roof of the world, where world most beautiful and top mountain ranges, Hindukush, Pamir and Karakoram ranges meet. Shandur elevation is 3718.6m located in Kayber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. Shandur pass connect Chitral and gilgit Pakistan.
Shandur Polo Festival
Every year a polo match is played between Chitral and Gilgit, Famous and top teams in Pakistan. This match is played in world highest polo ground of the world. This polo ground is c

alled roof of the world.
In every summer when Shandur pass converted in to lush green ground, match is held and thousand of tourist gathered here to watch this exciting thrilling match besides folk music, parties, traditional food served among visitor. In every year Pakistan top leader also attend this festival.
Pakistan northen areas are best to visit and explore.......